Hi, I just newbies for UDOO. I try to use Serial Monitor on Arduino to monitor Serial1 but it doesn't print out like Serial0, How can i fixed it? Thanks
What are you doing ? , Are you monitoring the Rx line of Serial_1 and echoing it to Tx Serial_0 or are you using a Serial to USB convertor ?. Give a little more detail of what you are doing !!!!
I want to monitoring Serial1. when i use code below on Serial0 i can use Serial Monitor ( Tool > Serial Monitor ) on Arduino sketch to monitor string send out void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600); } void loop(){ Serial.write("Hello world"); } but when i try with Serial1 (Serial1.write or Serial1.println ), can it possible to print out to Serial Monitor?
If you want to transmit on two serial port at the same time the same message, just echo to both ports, but I think you are a little confused what should happen. { Serial1.begin(9600); Serial.begin(9600); } void loop(){ Serial.write("Hello world"); Serial1.write("Hello world"); } The first serial port on the ardiono side is connected to the uart3 on the linux side , so both side can commutate with each other and this is the port you see in the monitor , the other ports are for you to connect to other serial device like a serial printer , rfid scanner etc. , they are not monitored directly they just go to that device.
I using two serial port, one for GPS and other one for minitoring. may i confuse which one serial port connected to UART3 on linux.
Uart3 ( Linux side ) is what you seeing in the monitor (/dev/ttymxc3 ), so you have answered your own question that you can only see it with , Serial.write("Hello world"); But It all depends on the jumpers too, if the arduino serial is connected to uart 3 or to the mico usb cn6 port.