how different are the Cortex-A8 and A9

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DracoLlasa, Nov 9, 2013.

  1. DracoLlasa

    DracoLlasa UDOOer

    Oct 15, 2013
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    so in reviewing a lot of my boards and what they have as far as tutorials, applications and general stuff ready for them i find myself comparing the UDOO to both the BBB and pcDuino.

    The UDOO has an ARM Cortex-A9 chip the i.MX6 which is a bit of a step up from the BBB and pcDuino which have Cortex-A8
    They both use the same arm7v-A Architecture

    i know the pcDuino uses the AllWinner A10 chip (UDOO is i.MX6)
    the BBB used a Sitara chip.

    Now the UDOO will run Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric)
    The pcDuino is setup to run Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise) which is a LTS version
    Then for the BBB i can do 12.04 (Precise) or 13.04 (Raring) .. though Angstrom is the default

    As i recall both are full OSS and OSHW, is there too much of a difference to leverage what has been done on these platforms. Have newer versions of Ubuntu, but more importantly, repositories, with compiled software that we can run for all the things we have been working on. Now dont get me wrong i don't want to get too technical im just curious if its too different.. if soo.. that sucks... if not, i wonder how much we can leverage so we arent spinning wheels.. or re-inventing them for that matter ;-)
  2. andcmp

    andcmp New Member

    May 8, 2013
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    I understand the argument you brought up here is more complex and articulated than the answer I'm going to post, but did you check this topic?
    viewtopic.php?f=17&t=295 and the relative guide about how to install Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on UDOO

    The UDOO team must support the software development in first place but our hopes, since the beginnings, were in the community support and this guide is a very good example.
  3. DracoLlasa

    DracoLlasa UDOOer

    Oct 15, 2013
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    i have just seen that thread this morning, right before i opened this one to reply, but havent read through it yet.

    im not sure i asked my question right...
    How much of the stuff that is already done for systems built on the A8 can just be lift-and-shift moved over to the A9?
    are there fundamental differences that require complex recompiling?

    The reason i ask is directly related to your comment. the UDOO Development team can only do so much, but with if these sources (such as from the BBB and the pcD) are nearly ready to be moved into the UDOO world it may be a great place for the community to focus on starting.

    So again really my question is are the chips too different or can we really leverage the other work and apply it here?

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