Invalid Module Format -- Academic Research

Discussion in 'Kernels' started by headamage, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. headamage

    headamage New Member

    Jan 29, 2015
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    I am part of a group of people studying high performance network protocols. We have a transport layer protocol that makes use of a kernel module that we created.

    The problem we are having is that after compiling the module and trying insmod we get Error: Invalid module format.

    We know the module is fine because we have compiled it on x86 machines and on a Raspberry Pi and we have no problems loading it.

    My guess is that there is a mismatch between the kernel source which you have on your website and the actual kernel version on our Udoo Quad.

    Uname -r gives 3.0.35. The source you have on your website, I have no idea which specific version it is or if it matters. I downloaded the master branch
    After I downloaded the Kernel source, I put it in /lib/modules/3.0.35/build/

    Inside that directory i ran the following:
    make menuconfig
    make prepare
    make modules
    In menuconfig i enabled loadable module support. Everything went fine and it generated some files. After doing this, I can compile the kernel module without problems but I cannot load it.

    So far I have tested on Udubuntu and on Wheezy. I really don't know what is wrong and I am new to Linux kernel development. Any ideas on how to fix this?
  2. vpeter

    vpeter Active Member

    Nov 29, 2014
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  3. headamage

    headamage New Member

    Jan 29, 2015
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    Hi, still stuck. The problem is that I can compile the module but I cannot load it.
    Modinfo shows vermagic 3.0.35 ARMv5

    This is in conflict with other modules from the OS that have vermagic 3.0.35 #7 Preempt ARMv7

    So how come the module I am compiling with the kernel source provided by Udoo, end up with the wrong vermagic?

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