I`ve had my udoo quad a couple of days now these are my thoughts about the udoo platform. Compared to the cubieboard I`m quite impressed with the amount of documentation , everything I`ve wanted to know and more I`ve found using the tutorials/projects/wiki . Debian image. I`ve tried all the images in the download section and finished up with the Debian hard float one . ( udoo_quad_debian_wheezy_armhf_v1.0beta ) I`ve read this before, but I download via the http and it said it was corrupt using winrar, so downloaded via a torrent and compared the two, no difference !!! I want to run it headless, and use vnc_server, so I had to do I little pruning . Stopping lightdn running from boot ( I stopped the screen saver at first ), and set up the /etc/interface file because without it net.agent was using constantly using the cpu @ 3 * 3% ( using top ) and was the only process that used over a hours cpu over night . ( now zero ). One other point about the Debian image , install the Arduino which worked like dream using these instructions . http://www.elinux.org/UDOO_install_the_Arduino_IDE I`ve upload the simple blink code from vnc remote and got that working , therefore I`ve got to a state where I can move the rootfs to the sata drive and start a big install. Keep up with all the good work !!!
Yep! We're trying to give to our community all the documentation they need to develop they're projects. We're really focusing in releasing every day more accurate documents, guides, tutorials etc. Debian armHF is definitely fast that's why we decided to release the ubuntu 12.04 armHF as well (soon). Thanks for your thoughts peter247 much appreciated If you ever need some help don't hesitate to ask. Cheers