Hi, I am Pieter and i am new on this forum. Installed the UDOO quad with UDOObuntu and tried also the debian version of linux on it. In both distros i tried to connect via the Arduino IDE to the Arduino part of UDOO (with RADDS board connected) In both cases i could upload the arduino code the first time after installation, after that i always get the SAM-BA operation failed message. It doesn't matter if i try it via the usb-port and an external pc or direct via the build-in ide on udoo. i always get the same error. i also disabled the modem service (a suggestion i found on the internet) to no avail. I read a lot about the Bossac patch, but can't find it anywhere. (also i am using version 1.5.5 of the arm ide arduino which has the patch already included as far as i know) Anybody has any suggestions? I don't even care anymore if the solutions is with the built-in ide or an external ide, as long as i can upload the !@#$%^ code i would already be very happy. Any help would be very welcome
Update: So far i found one way to upload the arduino code to the UDOO board: It is the one described in the starting manual as the alternative procedure 4.4. This is the only way that works at this moment for me. i can't believe this is the only way to upload code. One of the reasons i bought the UDOO board was the easier way to upload code to the arduino. Now i have to reboot twice, plug and unplug jumpers, connect and disconnect with the serial program, this al before i am able to upload some code. and this i have to repeat every time i want to change something in the arduino code. What am i doing wrong? Does anybody have the bossac patch somewhere for download? the link on the website send you always to the main downloadpage where the file is not to be found.
Update 2: Found the bossac patch: http://www.udoo.org/other-resources/ installed it for macosx and at least i can upload android code via my laptop without the bossac error. i also did install the 1.7.6 version of ide arduino which solves the troubles with the DUE found here: http://www.arduino.org/downloads