Hi guys, I am trying to download Hello World sketch through patched Arduino IDE (1.5.3) to the board, using USB cable attached to CN6. It downloads and verifies ok, but when I try to connect to the same port with Serial Monitor - it displays nothing..... Am I missing something? Thanks Meir Tseitlin
Well, my problem is more concrete: The sketch does run, but attaching the Serial Monitor is not triggering Atmel Reset.... Is it by design?
Hi, I had the same problem. For solve: 1. Install driver usb-serial bridge (if don't install). 2. Conect usb to CN6 with jumper J18 plugged. 3. Open generic terminal to port with 115200 baud. 4. Before the counter reaches 0, press any key on the external PC’ s serial console. 5. Close the serial monitor and unplug J18 jumper. This will allow the communication with the programming port of SAM3X8E. 6. Plug the jumper J22 for 1 second, then remove it (to erase the old sketch programmed in SAM3X8E). 7. Plug the jumper J16 for 1 second, thend remove it (to reset the SAM3X8E). 8. Select from the IDE: Tools –> Board –> Arduino DUE programming port and select the correct serial COM from the IDE. 9. Send the sketch using the IDE upload button.
excuse me for the ignorance but i very don't know what j18, j16 and j22 jumper refers and how can i connect this jumper because you said that i have to connect this jumper but i don't know how and to what! Sorry again for my bad english but i hope to be enough clear and i hope someone help me to clarify this doubt.