Hi there, has anybody SPI working on the arduino? I attached a logic analyzer to the connector J20 (MOSI J20.2, SCK J20.3, GND J20.4). This example code does not seem seem to work. Code: #include <SPI.h> void setup() { SPI.begin(); SPI.setBitOrder(MSBFIRST); SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE0); SPI.setClockDivider(42); } void loop() { delay(100); SPI.transfer(0xAA); delay(100); SPI.transfer(0xFF); } According to http://21stdigitalhome.blogspot.de/2013/02/arduino-due-hardware-spi.html MOSI should be digital pin number 75 and SCK should be pin number 76. When I toggle the MOSI and SCK pins via digital out I can see the changes in my logic analyzer. So the hardware connection seems to be OK. Code: #define TEST_MOSI 75 #define TEST_CLK 76 void setup() { pinMode(TEST_MOSI, OUTPUT); pinMode(TEST_CLK, OUTPUT); } void loop() { delay(100); digitalWrite(TEST_MOSI, 0); digitalWrite(TEST_CLK, 0); delay(100); digitalWrite(TEST_MOSI, 1); digitalWrite(TEST_CLK, 1); } Anybody an idea? Thanks, frankalicious
Re: SPI on Arduino not working? Silly me. I thought I see spikes on the logic analyzer but after zooming in I can see the expected data.