Hello everybody, I am very new to arduino, one of the reasons why i bought udoo is due to the linux-arduino communication. I mostly work with PIC and arm microcontrollers. I have a project at hand in which i want to be able to send some data from tiva-tm4c1294xl microcontroller to udoo arduino using uart. My end result would be to be able to publish these msgs over rosserial( rosserial doesnt work on tiva). please let me know if this is possible and if yes could you please provide me with some sample code for receiving data on the arduino side of udoo.
Hi asusrog, honestly I've never heard of this microcontroller. By the way, the serial connection between that and the Atmel SAM3X8E (the Arduino DUE on UDOO) should be the same to every other serial connection to Arduino. I suggest you to take a look at these links. http://arduino.cc/en/reference/serial http://arduino.cc/en/Serial/read http://arduino.cc/en/Serial/write Cheers!