Hello, I am looking to use the UDOO Bolt as a DCS controller with a GUI running in Linux. My system communicates over a CAN BUS network. Up to now, I have been using a raspberry pi 4 with this hat (https://www.waveshare.com/rs485-can-hat.html) to interface with the network through the SocketCAN driver, but the pi does not have enough processing power to handle the program. I am wondering if I can achieve something similar using the Embedded Controller Pins on the Bolt. I notice that there are what appears to be SPI pins (MISO, MOSI, CLK, CS) on the GPIO both for the Arduino and the Controller. How would I communicate with a device through the controller pins? Has anyone had success using SocketCAN with the Bolt? Thanks!
No personal experience with Can Bus For running on the CanBus through the SPI pins (1.8V!) of the Bolt CPU the following article as a reference to see the tasks to perform : https://turlucode.com/nvidia-jetson-tk1-spi-to-can-interface-mcp251x-mcp25625/ If you want to use the build in Arduino Leonardo you can connect a standard CANBUS shield that is compatible with an Arduino Leonardo.. You will have to make a serial connection between linux /dev/ttyACM0 and Arduino Serial () to pass through the data. with for example firmata.