Is the third USB port on a separate bus from the other two USB ports? When I run 'lsusb' it shows that the two primary USB, WIFI, and a couple of other things are on bus 2 and it shows bus 1 as being a hub with no devices connected. Is this bus connected to the j24 plug?
Look at schematics/UDOO_REV_D_schematics.pdf in downloads . Can`t find the second usb port or what it`s used for.
I'm unsure of what you are trying to say. J24 is the third port. It's a head just behind the serial terminal. When you get the starter kit it comes with USB adapter that plugs into J24 creating a third USB.
Sorry , replying to your other post on the same subject Yep , the usb is connect to a onboard 4 port hub . 2 usb ports + 1 extra port + usb wifi = 4 ports . But I was looking in the schematics for the other port which don`t look to be connected .