
The stable Android version for UDOO QUAD/DUAL is based on Android Marshmallow 6.0.1. The previous release, still available for download, is KitKat 4.4.2.

Visit our Tutorials section to watch the video guide: UDOO Android Boot Walkthrough.

Android 6 Marshmallow is based on:

  • Android 6.0.1 (tag AOSP android-6.0.1_r74)
  • Kernel 3.14.52
  • U-Boot v2015.10

Image and Source already provide some useful features and Apps pre-installed like custom settings, rooted image with SuperSU, ADBWireless App, CyanogenMod Terminal, CyanogenMod CMFileManger , TWRP Recovery, NTFS support.

Visiting the pages in this section you can find useful guide about how to use the Android Distro of UDOO, How to install GApps and some useful examples of how to program an Android App and an Arduino Sketch that communicate in single and bidirectional way.

This page was last updated on Monday, March 21, 2022 at 5:19 AM.