Newbie Questions

Discussion in 'UDOO X86' started by drc85, Dec 30, 2017.

  1. drc85

    drc85 Member

    Dec 30, 2017
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    i finally got me a udoo x86 ultra.
    it should arrive this week :D

    im very new to all this arduino stuff,
    i just finished my first arduino project... a wemos mini pro led stripe with a webserver...

    im planning on doing a ambilight now.. i could find a tutorial for udo but its not like i want my ambilight...
    i would like to add a usb grabber for hdmi sources to it,

    i would like to use this set up

    udo x86 - arduiono 101
    evil genius level shifter board
    300 apa 102 led
    usb grabber + hdmi2av
    12v3a powersupply for udo
    5v 20a powersupply for led (or maybe dual power 12v/5v)
    and a 1000capaciator
    and maybe a fuse
    openelec or ubuntu or wind10 with hyperion and kodi

    i still have a few questions:

    1.when using the level shifter, do i need to put gnd and 5/3,3v also through the level shifter? or is it enough to just put the Data signal through? im a little confused anybody has a sample pic how it should look when i hook up a SN74HCT245N level shifter? not sure wich os supports hyperion for real time? i was thinking about openelec or ubuntu... but yesterday i read that windows 10 has a linux sub wich also should run hyperion client...

    3.i first wanted to power the led and the udo over one dual 12/5v power supply...
    is it better to have single power supplys or is a dual supply good to go? there a way to switch the ambilight sourche from kodi to usb grabber automaticly as sooon a signal goes inside the usb grabber? also switch back to kodi ambiligh when no usb the usb grabber method even work with the udo??

    5. is there a level shifter shield with resistor for arduino 101 availible?

    sorry for all the supid newbie questions
    and the bad englisch...

    [​IMG] looking forward to get some help from u guys

    happy new year
  2. bodgyuk

    bodgyuk New Member

    Apr 26, 2017
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    I can only answer a couple of your questions.

    1. You only need the signal(s) through the SN74HCT245N itself, however the chip requires powering from the 5V supply. The 5V ground and the 3v3 ground should be connected together.

    3. I would supply the LEDs from a separate 12V supply or use a power supply that has multiple voltage outputs and that can provide the current the LEDs will need.

    A question for you: Does the ambilight use I2C as the communications protocol or SPI etc?
    drc85 likes this.
  3. drc85

    drc85 Member

    Dec 30, 2017
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    hi thanks for the answer,

    1.i googled this the other day... not sure if i should get a SN74HCT245N or a bidirectional level shifter from sparkfun... what are the main diffrences?

    3. thanks i will do it like this because then i can also run led seperate if udo is sleeping :D

    your question: im not 100% sure im still a newbie, i think i use spi, i will going to use the digital pwm pins on the arduino built in...
    then level shift them from 3.3 to 5, and go inside the led....
  4. drc85

    drc85 Member

    Dec 30, 2017
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    i managed to get windows10 insider on the ssd and linux mint on the emmc.
    but because i have so much space left on the ssd which i will never use , i thought i will install both in the ssd.
    they are both working, and you can feel the boot diffrence is faster from ssd :D

    windows is working great when all services and unneeded apps and software are removed!
    i didnt had no problems with windows so far and im really pleased how its runnig :D
    but what really goes on my nerves,
    is that windows using 4 partitions for it self (recover, filesystem reserve, boot, filesystem)
    is there a way to reduce it too one? or maybe two?

    also im new to linux. i have a few problems accesing my files.
    it seems i only have read acces to the root (main filesystem where mint is installed)?
    the only place i can create/edit files , is on my desktop!
    i cant copy ,edit or create new files in all other folders?
    i checked filesystem properties in explorer and it says
    owner ROOT
    group ROOT
    is there a way i can be the owner? so i can do what i want inside the filesystem?
    i need to edit files for kodi for example to get my kodi running like i want :D

    have a nice day
  5. Markus Laire

    Markus Laire Active Member

    Mar 9, 2017
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    You should have read/write access to /home/username (where "username" is whatever you selected when installing Linux) and /tmp - but nowhere else, and you really shouldn't change that. It's a security feature and also some programs will stop working if files have wrong owner or permissions.

    Recommended way is to edit files as root user instead of changing their owner or permissions. According to this thread in Mint forums, you can use following command to edit a file as root user. You need to start a terminal and write this command with full path to file:
    gksudo gedit /full/path/to/file.txt

    Now if you do want to change the owner to edit file(s) as normal user, I'd suggest you only change owner of the exact files you need to edit to minimize possible problems.

    To get ownership of a file, you can use e.g. following command which changes owner to yourself (again start a terminal and type command there):
    sudo chown username /full/path/to/file.txt

    To change ownership back just use the same command with username "root" instead of your username.

    Notes about above commands:
    gksudo - starts a graphical command as root user
    gedit - simple text editor
    sudo - starts a non-graphical command as root user
    chown - change owner, changes ownership of files/directories

    ps. Learning Linux as a new user is quite a task. You might get better help from some beginners forums, e.g. Newbie Questions at Mint forums.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2018
    drc85 likes this.
  6. drc85

    drc85 Member

    Dec 30, 2017
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    thanks, for the help,

    i finnaly managed to install both on the ssd in the uefi grub...
    everything shows up and wokring finde now...
    grub is showing perfect how i want it :D the bios setup is also shown now...

    like u said im a linux beginnger... i didnt knew i only have acces to user folder... but i found out lol
    i am already in few mint forums they helped me the last few days.

    next problem is getting the kernel to work with cEc... i already installed the newest 4.14.13 but it dont work...
    i had to switch to 4.14.0 so it works...

    next problem is modprobe!!!!
    kodi@darc ~/secocec $ modprobe cec
    modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'cec': Operation not permitted

    any solution?
  7. waltervl

    waltervl UDOOer

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Use sudo before modprobe?
    Markus Laire likes this.
  8. drc85

    drc85 Member

    Dec 30, 2017
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  9. drc85

    drc85 Member

    Dec 30, 2017
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    ok i think i got it ...
    went back to kernel 4.14... i was on kernel 4.14.13....

    i used
    1-sudo modprobe -v cec
    ----insmod /lib/modules/4.14.13-041413-generic/kernel/drivers/media/rc/rc-core.ko
    ----insmod /lib/modules/4.14.13-041413-generic/kernel/drivers/media/cec/cec.ko

    2-cd secocec
    3-sudo insmod seco-cec.ko

    after this nothing happens and it jumps back to input...
    does this means it is loaded?
    where can i check if it is loaded?

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