i plugged it into a monitor yesterday, and it worked perfectly. Later that night I downloaded VNC viewer and the black screen came up. This...
I followed the instructions on the udoo docs to set up a remote desktop using VNC. I downloaded VNC viewer for my mac, plugged the udoo neo using...
I'm trying to enable DM verity on the udoo neo. I went into make menuconfig-->Device Drivers--> enabled Multiple devices driver support (RAID and...
Yes, I did.
I followed these instructions-- https://www.udoo.org/docs-neo/Basic_Setup/Serial_Debug_Console.html to try and connect a serial debugger to my...
Accidentally hit send on the previous question before I could post the entire script, and there doesn't seem to be an edit or delete button....
Apologies if this sounds terribly basic, but I have an echo instruction in my startup script. But when I reboot, I don't see it on the screen. Why...
I'm trying to run a startup script on the udoo-neo, and one of the instructions is echo "test" The other instructions mount and umount some...
I built a custom initramfs on an udoo-neo using the following instructions: mkdir -p...
Separate names with a comma.