I'm having issues with my reposed laptop lcd screen connected via a hdmi/vga/dvi > lvds converter it always outputs 1920x1080 no matter what I...
I agree with this, I need the same driver for my antminer u1's also have to figure out how to get bfgminer running on it too
I need cp210x driver I think, and bfgminer for udoo.. anyone ever got some antminer u1's running on the udoo?
all the parts are here.. having a few issues of sometimes things not starting properly.. and having to restart the udoo, so something with staying...
so are stl files of this case available? I'm almost done with my 3d printer build powered by a udoo :)
according to the info 170mm diameter x 300mm ish so thats 6 5/8 diameter by 11 3/4 ish and the nice thing about a kossel. is its easy to make it...
third post has been updated with stuff I've bought for this project. running total is now $497.98 and not many more parts to go, then I'll be...
thats the next purchases.. hot end is gonna be a jhead. platform is gonna be unheated for now.. thats a future thing.
photo of the ramps-fd shield on my udoo, and video of the printer working! video http://youtu.be/65-PJatg3wA photo...
nice new update :) aprinter now infact does support deltas :) and did a test run with power now that my ramps-fd shield has arrived, and it...
welcome. Like I said, I had to figure this out a while ago to upload the firmware for my 3d printer :)
if you issue this command bossac -i -d --port=ttymxc3 -U false -e -w -v -b nameofyourprogram.bin -R it should upload once it does that, you can...
copy bossac from your arduino dir to say /usr/bin that way you can run bossac from anywhere.. then give a bossac -e -w -v -b -R...
updated second post with new running total.
Separate names with a comma.