Hello, Do you know what's this pin? Can it be use as input or output ? Thanks
Haha I did not expect the arduino to take so long to boot but thanks
Oh yes sorry ^^ I am going to try it and see if the bug is still present. Is there a way to make the Curie boot even faster?
I wanted to be able to wake up the arduino alone then to trigger the udoo :/ Oh yes thanks I read about it but I forgot it. It's very disturbing...
Is it possible to power the arduino alone through the 5V pin ? I uploaded a sketch which turns on a led with an output and supplied with 5V it...
Hello, I use the Udoo x86 on Ubuntu 16.04 and I realized it takes 7 seconds for the curie to power ON. Then it stays turned on for 7 seconds and...
Thanks for all the details What's the difference between the power-off state and sleeping state ? If I use the same led that's already on the...
Thanks for the explanation ! I can't find any cmos led with 2 pins, it would be to used them on an integrated circuit.
Hello, Is it said in the manual that we can use a bicolor led to have the wake/sleep information by using the pins 2 and 4 from the front panel....
Hello, Is it possible to power only the intel curie processor (arduino) and not the Braswell processor by supplying 5V on the pin 9 ? Then if I...
Hello, I would like my arduino 101 to switch on or off leds depending on the network state wifi,bluetooth and ethernet. However I don't know how...
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