Install Arduino101 Curie on Ubuntu

Discussion in 'UDOO X86' started by DiySciBorg, May 12, 2017.

  1. DiySciBorg

    DiySciBorg New Member

    May 12, 2017
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    I did a search and did not come up with anything in the Udoo forum. If someone already posted this solution, please post a link below.
    I had a lot of trouble getting the Arduino environment set up in Ubuntu16.04 (the Ubuntu install itself went easy).
    I managed to install the version 1.8.1 IDE. I then used board manager to install the Curie board.
    You will need to be sure the following boards are set up in board manager (you can search "101" and "curie" and just install everything that comes up.)
    • Arduino AVR boards
    • Intel Curie Boards
    At this point, trying to upload a sketch will result in a "Time out" Error in the lower window of the IDE. With the Verbose option set, you will learn that the IDE cant talk to the Curie via the DFU. I am assuming here that you have already verified that you have selected Arduino 101 as the board, and that you selected a COM port similar to dev/ttyACM0 (Arduino 101).

    You will now want to follow the advice given in the following thread:

    Essentially, using the ubuntu command line terminal, you need to do the following things, as outlined in the thread (replace yourname with you user name):
    • sudo apt-get install dfu-util
    • sudo usermod -a -G tty yourname
    • sudo usermod -a -G dialout yourname
    • run the create dfu udev rules script (see below)
    The first two steps essentially add your username (and thus the arduino IDE when you are logged in) to the allowed list of users to access the serial devices.

    The final step is to run a script which sets up some things for the Device Firmware Update (DFU). The location of the script depends on which IDE version and board versions you have installed. you will need to use "cd" to navigate to discover the location and run the script. Here are probable locations:

    cd ~/.arduino15/packages/Intel/tools/arduino101load/1.6.9+1.24/scripts
    cd ~/.arduino15/packages/Intel/tools/sketchUploader/1.6.4+1.14/scripts

    after going folder by folder, I found that I do not have an arduino101load folder, but do have the sketchUploader folder, and found the create_dfu_udev_rule script there.
    To run it, type:
    sudo ./create_dfu_udev_rule

    With that, my board was now working properly. I make no claims that any or all of the above steps are necessary. The members posting to the original linked thread are the real experts.
    waltervl likes this.
  2. waltervl

    waltervl UDOOer

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Was already discussed here but perhaps Udoo Team @Laura could add this to the documentation.
    On the other hand on the Arduino installation page where the udoo docs are referring to for installation and usage it is mentioned already:
    MikeSD likes this.
  3. MikeSD

    MikeSD New Member

    May 22, 2016
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    This really should have been in the docs, knowing that they recommend ubuntu..
  4. waltervl

    waltervl UDOOer

    Dec 12, 2015
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  5. cagiva

    cagiva UDOOer

    Aug 28, 2017
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    I know this is an old thread, but it will save my time by using it. I've done everything @MikeSD and @waltervl have indicated here as well as in other UDOO x86 threads. I'm still not able to to see the /ttyUSB or /ttyACM listed when I run `ls /dev/tty*`. @waltervl, everything single suggestion/steps you have posted before, I have done it. I just don't know what else to do, so any other suggestion will be greatly appreciated.
    UDOO x86 Ultra (1st gen / Intel's Curie™ module)
    Ubuntu 18.04
    Arduino IDE 1.8.12
  6. waltervl

    waltervl UDOOer

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Just to be sure that you did the following steps before we continue:
    Did you try to reinstall the Arduino IDE and 101 board manager after a complete deletion of all Arduino files, including the .arduino15 folder in your home? Part of the installation is the driver for Curie which fails a lot. Also the 101 needs a BLE firmware update that is part of the first uploading of a sketch.

    I succeeded eventually by using a fresh Arduino IDE installation, rebooting the Udoo X86, press the Arduino reset button and compile and upload the the blink example.

    Also in the latest Ubuntu's there could be an issue with the conflicting service ModemManager, see also
  7. cagiva

    cagiva UDOOer

    Aug 28, 2017
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    Yes, I have done all that multiple times (screenshot attached), except for the BLE firmware update. How can I do that?

    Attached Files:

  8. cagiva

    cagiva UDOOer

    Aug 28, 2017
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    How did you update the BLE firmware if the UDOO cannot connect or see the onboard Arduino 101 even after pressing the Reset button?

    $ ~/Downloads/arduino101_flashpack$ sudo ./
    *** Reset the board to begin...
  9. waltervl

    waltervl UDOOer

    Dec 12, 2015
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    The BLE firmware update was automatically run the first time i tried to upload a sketch. I saw it in the Arduino IDE monitor.

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