Minimalistic Linux GPU distribution

Discussion in 'UDOO X86' started by Maurice, May 7, 2017.

  1. Maurice

    Maurice Active Member

    Oct 13, 2015
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    For my UDOO Quad project @graugans has aided me tremendously by creating a minimalistic Yocto variant that supports the integrated graphics card. I really hope that he will do that for the X86 too, but in case he doesn't, and nobody else does, I'm looking for a minimal Linux distribution, but with the capabilities to access the graphics card's drivers.

    The application is a kiosk like full screen application, where animations should be offloaded to the GPU. Besides using the whole screen it does not need very much additional stuff, apart that for me as a developer I need to be able to ssh, ftp, etc into it.

    Being able to use the graphic cards drivers is paramount, otherwise the software will fall back to a software based rendering pipeline, which is quite impressive but does not have the beef that I want.

    Left on my own devices I would probably install Ubuntu 17, stop it from starting into Unity, and have it start my own application.

    Any other, lighter, options?
    graugans likes this.
  2. graugans

    graugans Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 17, 2015
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    ATM I am a bit short in time. I do have plans to do Yocto on UDOO x86. But I am a bit unsure if it makes sense to add it to the meta-udoo layer. My concerns are related to the different tooling and layer dependencies.
    Maurice likes this.
  3. graugans

    graugans Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 17, 2015
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