I'm running Ubuntu 22.04 and looking to use the embedded controller pinout, but having no luck. After installing i2c-tools I can detect 9 I2C...
I am writing a program to talk to a device in the UEFI shell through Edk2. I've successfully been able to write and read to the bus through...
Hello people, I just got a Neo Extended, but I can't get data from either the internal sensors (accelerometer, magnetometer, gyroscope) or the...
Searching for information on using the GPIO has been fairly daunting. The user docs refer the the...
hello, I read https://www.udoo.org/docs-neo/Hardware_&_Accessories/I2C_bus.html document, and in I2C2 section they mention 2 i2c header...
Hello, I'm trying to communicate a device with I2C port.(Not arduino i2c port.Udoo's native i2c port) I'm using a level shifter between device and...
Hi, There was one forum posting that answered this question (https://www.udoo.org/forum/threads/i2c-usage.3239/) but it's years old and some of...
Hello All. If I want to change default I2C Clock from 400KHz to 100KHz, How can I do that. I don't want to use Curie because I want to use I2C...
I would like pins 20 and 21 to be used only for I2C. I used the device tree configuration tool to enable I2C on these pins and I2C seems to work...
Hi How many i2c stepper motor controller can be connected to UDOO X86 Advance? I have a project which is required 34 stepper motor controller to...
Hello, I have been playing with I2C on the Arduino side for quite some time now. I would like to be able to use the Braswell I2C pins with my 3.3v...
Hi, Is it possible to connect other I2C sensors (in my case a BME280 from Adafruit) to the I2C of the brick? Is there somewhere a description what...
Hello, I would like to know if powering the arduino 101 through pins (+12V, +5V, +3,3V from CN12) will also power the intel braswell aswell ? Do...
Hi everyone, I've an udoo quad and would like to connect a device using i2c protocol: I saw on the pinout diagram that pin labelled 20 and 21...
Hi, We have a Rover project powered by a Raspberry Pi 3 / Windows IoT Core which works well but we need more compute power. We control the...
Hello, I am trying to get the Udoo to talk to my PCA9685 board. I am running Fedora 25 and have the I2C tools and such installed. i2cdetect -y 0...
Just got my new UDOO x86 Advanced Plus, and put Linux Mint on it. Works great! I also bought a barometric pressure brick and attached it....
I am trying to enable i2c1 in udoo quad. The pins are 20 and 21 which translates to EIM_D21, EIM_D28. I edited imx6qdl-udoo.dtsi to enable i2c1....
Hi, I built Android for Udoo Quad/dual board and it worked successfully, now I want to use the I2C bus from and Android app but I get the...
Hello! I'm using MPU-6050 IMU attached to i.MX6 i2c1 pins on Linux. I've attached it with Device Tree and it works fine. OK, the thing is: I...
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