So I'm trying to make a pretty compact system involving an LCD screen. Since UDOO already has an LVDS connector, I figured I can save myself some of that space (and money) by just using that rather than getting a controller board. However, I noticed that only a select few 7" and 15" displays are supported. I don't want anything that big or small, so I was wondering if it were possible to get a 10" or 11" 1366x768 LCD. If so, I'm sure I can't just use any display I find, so what are the required specs?
Hi there schmidtbag, you need to make your own custom cable - since we don't use the standard cable - and recompile the kernel, eventually inserting the drivers for your screen if needed. Cheers
@schmidtbag Don't under estimate your question. I've done quite extensive research on this topic. And the main conclusion might be LVDS isn't LVDS. That means there is a standard on signaling, but not on electronics, cable and connection layout perse. And don't forget about the possibly touch. That's a topic on itself. UDOO has a unique connector for LVDS and I2C which is described here on the forum by someone. This connector is available quite well. Releatively unknown: you might need a very special tool which is expensive, to crimp the connector pins. I'm still on the track to buy and make a 10-11'LVDS single channel 8 bit screen which must be sunlight readable. So far just a handful identified which might work on Neo after making the right LVDS adapter cable. If you would like we can join forces, because UDOO once declared thay won't offer a 10-11' display thermselves. I'm quite sure there is room for an alternative source. Especially now Neo is going to be released very soon.
Ah that's kind of annoying. I'm not really skilled enough to make my own. I figured it'd be single channel 8 bit compatible but I don't really know enough beyond that. Thanks anyway for the info.
And this resource in my opinion is a very good one for the electronics part of LVDS and regular connector plus wiring.