Android keyboard shortcuts ?

Discussion in 'Android' started by alexisj, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. alexisj

    alexisj New Member

    Aug 26, 2013
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    I found on this page a list of some usefull keyboard shortcuts for android (4.0.4). For example:

    Some of these shortcuts works, but not all.

    Basically i just want to shutdown my Udoo Android (image 1.1) and i can't because :

    • - Power button doesn't work
      - Impossible to open a terminal
      - Ssh dont seem running (unable to connect to the android ip)

    Any idea about these shortcuts and how to turn off cleanly Android?
  2. delba

    delba Administrator Staff Member

    May 8, 2013
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    alexisj thanks for the info.
    In my keyboard the power button works so i'm able to shutdown my android (1.1) on my Quad. Can't open a termina or do operations with any F(1-12) button.
    Can do all the WindowsKEY and web browser operation though.
  3. Lifeboat_Jim

    Lifeboat_Jim New Member

    Sep 16, 2013
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    I was chatting on IRC to alexisj about this issue.

    What advice do we have for him (and perhaps others) who don't have a keyboard that supports the power button function in Android?

    Perhaps a couple of shell scripts that act as short cuts to the relevant commands ('shutdown -h -t0 now' or whatever the variation is for Android etc). Or even better have a Shell/Terminal app on the desktop for them (or both)?

    I've not seen him since this post to suggest sideloading a Shell/Terminal app or doing those shortcuts, but he may not be comfortable doing that in any case. My thinking is if one user has this issue there are probably a lot more too.

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