Just wondering. I've been playing around with the Gnome desktop and found it to be a bit slow. Not really a problem, but started wondering if one of the lighter desktops (XFCE or LXCE for instance) might be installable. I was able to install XFCE from the repos, but so far haven't been able to get it to run. I'm wondering if it is able to run on our ARM version, or if I'm just not starting things right. Any thoughts on this would be helpful. Thanks.
Theres a tarball available at http://www.elinux.org/UDOO_Installing_D ... ry_Tarball that has debian with LXDE preinstalled. It tends to run a good bit quicker than the current Linaro builds
Just wanted to say thanks for the link to the tarball. I've been playing with the LXDE desktop on Debian and have really enjoyed it. Much faster than the Gnome on Ubuntu, especially on VNC, but then different goals for the two.