Connecting HDD With power block

Discussion in 'UDOO 101' started by ivan, Mar 12, 2015.

  1. ivan

    ivan Member

    Mar 8, 2015
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    I have a powerblok with 12V(1.5A) and 5V(1.5A).

    I did managed to make a kind of connection cable:
    All the wiring are correct, tripple checked.

    I copyed the connection from
    But instead of takening the 12V of the board, I took it from the "power jack".

    As soon as I connect the power, nothing woks.
    Take away the large cobnnector from the HDD, everthing works fine.
    The same HDD conecting a usb Cable in a case works fine....

    What could be wrong?
  2. Andrea Rovai

    Andrea Rovai Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2014
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    Hi there,
    we have a similar thing in the office and it works but without the rotor. Could the rotor dry power?
  3. fetcher

    fetcher Member

    Mar 9, 2014
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    I would first check your 4-pin Molex connector to ensure the two center ground pins are bonded together. It's important that everything have a common power ground, and I've noticed that some of those molded plugs included on the end of cables from cheap HD power supplies have only one of the two pins actually connected.

    Assuming the Molex connector is wired correctly... are you powering your Udoo board with the same supply? I'm guessing so from your photo showing the barrel connector spliced into +12V and GND.

    The 1.5A current rating you mention is marginal for running just a Udoo by itself, even without the additional power demand from a hard drive. I think the usual recommended minimum is 12V @ 2A, though 3A is better -- not the board will ever pull that much, but some extra headroom helps for startup transients and such. The additiona current demand from your HD may be overloading this PSU.

    By the way, if that's a 2.5" (laptop size) drive, those don't actually need +12V power, only +5V. For a 2.5" HD you can leave the yellow wire on the large SATA power plug unconnected. 3.5" drives do require both voltages.

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