Hi I just saw in the BIOS configuration that you can enable SR-IOV. I woul like to know if enabling it adds SR-IOV capabilities to the GPU. Thanks, Lator
I doubt it. Ryzen embedded APU v3000 uses VEGA 8 GPU core. AFAIK, "MxGPU or SR-IOV for GPU" capability has not trickled down to this line of product.
Please understand, many settings in BIOS options are simply "flags", indicating the "feature/capability supplier" should or should not turn such feature ON or OFF. Granted, some features are native residing in CPU/APU, North Bridge, South Bridge, embedded GPU, etc., some are not. E.g. eGPU, add-on Ethernet controller, etc. I.e., see a field in BIOS setting only means you'll have to do some studies on theory of operations. No more and no less. On SR-IOV, these are peripheral device capabilities (e.g.,special Network cloud server adapter, special cloud server-grade GPU, etc. typically in high hundreds or $1000-$2000 range.) BIOS setting is just a flag, allowing the system board to support such beast.