Hello, I want to extend the included ardublockly for Adafruit Motorshield. With Google's Blockly documentation and tools I was able to generate some code and now wanted to integrate it. The ardublockly documentation tells how to do it. I could integrate my library as toolbox in /opt/udoo-web-conf/public/ardublockly/ardublockly/ardublockly_toolbox.js. When I wanted to integrate the other JavaScript files in /opt/udoo-web-conf/public/ardublockly/ardublockly/index.html, I noticed that this is not the HTML file that is used when using ardublockly in dashboard from outside or as application from local standalone application/browser. When looking at the displayed source code a compressed version is used, the paths are different and my changes to index.html had absolutely no effect. Could anyone tell me where to find the HTML file that is used by the web server, please? Also I found that many of the uncompressed files are not in installation. I have an Udoo Neo. Are there any recommendations available for extending the delivered ardublockly version?