I am just starting to use linux. I am trying to put a soft shutdown button on my UDOO connected to GPIO-150. People have done this for Raspberry Pi and have the code posted but I am unsure how to accommodate this for the UDOO. How should I go about this? Thanks! http://www.instructables.com/id/Raspberry-Pi-Shutdown-Button/step4/Raspberry-Pi-Shutdown-script/
Yes, but the GPIO method looks different. How do I convert these things over? import RPi.GPIO as gpio -- This is for raspberry Pi gpio.wait_for_edge(7, gpio.FALLING) -- Does UDOO have a falling edge interrupt like this? Thanks
There is one universal GPIO library which supports different systems and not only RPi. I forgot it's name and also Google doesn't find it today.
I'm not sure if this is what vpeter meant, but you can try install pingo via pip. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pingo/0.2.0