Recently i had problems using eGalax usb touchscreen To be able to use it you must recompile kernel Heres also little tutorial how to compile kernel(can be useful, because i didnt find good information on this forum about this) you will need ethernet connection it is useful to have wicd-curses utility (install it with apt-get install wicd-curses) To make compiling easiet-compile inside Udoo CD to directory (you can choose other dir) # cd /usr/src # apt-get install git # apt-get install ncurses-dev aptitude # aptitude In aptitude remove packages: udoo-config u-boot-env and install uboot-mkimage (It conficts) Use keys: / and n for search + for install - for deinstall g for apply # git clone # cd Kernel_Unico # make UDOO_defconfig # make menuconfig and there you must check options: Device Drivers -> Input Device Support -> Touchscreens -> check all eGalax with * (EETI maybe also) (PS you can enable other drivers, for example you can change UDOO usb ethernet to usb serial Drivers->usb support->usb gadget etc and check usb_serial rather than usb_ethernet) now exit and compile everything # make -j4 uImage when it is done it will output something like: # make -j4 modules # make modules_install # make firmware_install now backup your old kernel and copy new # cp /boot/uImage /boot/uImage.bak #cp arch/arm/boot/uImage /boot/ if comething goes wrong you can boot old backuped kernel: when bootloader starts hit Enter check all by #printenv now #setenv uImage uImage.bak (as i remember) #boot ...Hope it will be useful Such approach can be done with other ARM boards like Beaglebone,Olinuxino,Rapberry etc...
Firstly, thank you very much for your detailed description. I did recompilation of kernel in ubuntu thanks to your topic. How can we recompile the Android kernel sources(kernel_unico) from udoo? I mean not using computer. I would like to just copy kernel_unico to android filesystem, and using terminal emulator(a program can be used in Android) i would like to recompile the kernel just above your tutorial. Is it possible in android? If is, how can we do that? (Both adb or terminal emulator, i can use some commands in Android.) Any help greatly appreciated.