Hi Guys, I had in mind to create shell script for stabilizing my rc model plane. Nothing to fancy just keep the wings level while flying or maintain the position I last got it into. The issue is I don't know how to get anything meaningful out of the sensor data. I have found a lot of material online but it seems like it's really complex mathematical equations . Is there anything out there that I could use that will use the sensor data and give me pitch yaw and roll values? (within Linux) Kind Regards, Alex
You can check out the Magum library http://www.udoo.org/docs-neo/UDOO_NEO_made_by_the_Community/Python.html It is Python but works completely on the Linux side.
Ok so I followed all the instructions I found in this link (https://www.hackster.io/ubalance-team/magum-sensors-library-222d96?ref=user&ref_id=58345&offset=0) but I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I installed the python script and I now I find it in the following directory /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/magum-0.9.1-py2.7.egg How do I run this file? I have read online that .egg files are similar to a zip file? Ideally I would like to run the following command found in the readme file for each one of the angles (x,y,z) and get them into a variable in bash. x_angle = magum.kalmanFilter(0.02,'x',AxisOffset)
Do you see anything new in your /home/udooer ? There should be a folder test with amongst other files a test.py file. https://github.com/ubalance-team/magum/tree/master/test In a terminal goto that folder and give the command python test.py There should be sensor values displaying in the terminal screen. I cannot test it because I have no sensors on my Neo. Another nice feature is the Ubalanced website that can display the sensorvalues of your Neo on any other device in your home network (from https://github.com/ubalance-team/magum) In order to use UbalancedGraphs web application, you should install Frask framework. To do this you can run from terminal the following command: pip install Flask To install Ubalanced graphs application, move to the main directory that you've cloned from remote magum repository, then move to the /UbalancedGraphs directory and run (as root): sudo python setup.py To start ubalanced graphs web app start the server as a service from terminal typing (make sure you are running as root): sudo service ubalanced start Now, you can access to UbalancedGraphs web application from your favourite browser at this address (assuming you are connected to UDOO via USB): To stop the service just type: sudo service ubalanced stop