I have my HDMI display and USB keyboard connected. I need to switch to the maintenance mode so I run: init 1 after few seconds the display freezes and I am no longer able to enter anything on the USB keyboard. I would expect the usb keyboard and to work while in the maintenance mode?
Setting single-user mode (runlevel 1) kills all virtual consoles, both graphical and text-based, leaving you with a login shell only on /dev/console, which is where the startup kernel messages appear. This can be mapped to various physical devices -- on an x86 PC it is ordinarily the first VGA text VC, but Udoo, like a lot of embedded boards defaults to a serial console, specifically /dev/ttymxc1, the USB-converted serial port at CN6. Changing this selection must be done through U-boot parameters, either at the U-boot prompt after interrupting a normal startup (from USB console on CN6), or by writing to the bootloader section of your SD card using a tool like fw_printenv / fw_setenv. For fw_setenv, /etc/fw_env.config should contain the single line "/dev/mmcblk0 0xC0000 0x2000" (no quotes), everything else commented out. If you don't care about seeing boot-time messages or startup up into single-user, just adding runlevel 1 to the first text VC's line in /etc/inittab might work, though I haven't tested it. i.e. change 1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty --noclear 38400 tty1 to 1:12345:respawn:/sbin/getty --noclear 38400 tty1 then kill -HUP 1.
If I use the U-boot mode then can you tell me what steps do I need to take? for the USB issue? I would like you to know that i wrote following commands initially in the U-boot mode to change environment variables For android setenv bootargs console=ttymxc1,115200 init=/init video=mxcfb0:dev=hdmi,1920x1080M@60,if=RGB24,bpp=32 video=mxcfb1ff video=mxcfb2ff fbmem=28M vmalloc=400M androidboot.console=ttymxc1 androidboot.hardware=freescale mem=1024M and for Ubuntu setenv mmcargs setenv bootargs console=${console},${baudrate} root=${mmcroot} ${hdmi_patch} fbmem=24M video=mxcfb0:dev=hdmi,1920x1080M@70,bpp=32 and also setenv setvideomode 'setenv videomode video=mxcfb0:dev=hdmi,<xres>x<yres>[M][@<refresh>],bpp=32' saveenv does ^^ has any effect on the USB mouse/keyboard not working? Cos initially it was. Not the USB port does not detect any device, not even Flash drives
The line you want to change is the one beginning "console=", near the top. Try setting it to tty0 instead of ttymxc1, and remove the serial bit-rate (",115200" - no comma either). By the way, there are tools "fw_printenv" and "fw_setenv" that can be used to view or set u-boot parameters after the system's started, rather than having to interrupt its boot cycle. Under Debian, at least these are in the oddly punctuated 'u-boot-tools' package. You may need to edit /etc/fw_env.config to get it working -- make sure "/dev/mmcblk0 0xC0000 0x2000" is the only uncommented line.