@graugans , @Maurice , @vpeter and @Francesco , i let a message on udoo quad thread about the use of 2 screens (lvds + hdmi) with quad card and i just saw your thread here today. Do you have an idea how to configure the env var to enable this config (I use yocto) ? Another way, on the SA62 is possible to use 2 lvds and 1 HDMI, it would be great to have a tutorial to use this conf ... Graugans, do you had the times to check yocto on SA62 to enable lvds (for the moment only hdmi works and qt didn't find egl surface) ?
No, I still have no lvds screen. Maybe by the end of next month. My plan is to spend some time this weekend on SA62 so I can take a look at lvds configs. Gesendet von meinem FP2 mit Tapatalk
@modjo, no sorry, I have only a single display connected. Given that there was a demo on Youtube showing the connection of both a LVDS and HDMI it should be posible, I assume.