Need more detailed tutorials

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TopherT1, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. TopherT1

    TopherT1 New Member

    Nov 20, 2013
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    I am new to UDOO and Linux in general, I do have experience with Arduino though. Being very new to all of this is makes using the UDOO very difficult. I really think that more detailed step-by-step instructions are need with actual examples of the code used. I am finding that a lot of the current information gives you a rough idea for a project but never really explains specific details. I'm sure you are all very busy and working very hard to bring us the best possible product but I think a series of beginners tutorials with example code would be very beneficial.
  2. delba

    delba Administrator Staff Member

    May 8, 2013
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    Hi TopherT1, thanks for the feedbacks about the tutorials section. We're doing our best to release detailed tutorials and Projects so our users can follow them and learn how to use UDOO. As you said, we ARE very busy at the moment but the most important thing for us is the community so we'll work to release some more beginners tutorials (with example code) and ease the learning process for the newbies.

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