Hi, I'm looking for specs on how much power (or current) the Neo can source from the two 3V3 pins and the 5V0 pin, all on the internal side of J7. If someone from Udoo could please provide that info it would be much appreciated. ***************************************************************************************************************** At this time I'd also like to offer the constructive criticism (or ask why it's being done this way): Why do you have the forum search rules that will not allow short/common search terms, like for example "3.3"? It's true that would have given a large number of results but at least I'd be sure that if the info I'm looking for is in the forums - it could be found with a couple searches. Instead I had to take worse guesses for terms that may miss the results I'm looking for and therefore gave up after a few tries. This pattern has played out a few times in the last couple weeks where not being able to search for the short obvious terms seemed to make some searches much more frustrating. Just my two cents. So far have had some ups and down developing for Neo, but overall it's a fantastic platform with amazing potential!! Thanks, Udoo team!
Not sure what the current limsts are but you better use google to search for the 3 letter words in the forum. eg https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=current+udoo+neo+pin