Programming Arduino Due in Matlab/Simulink

Discussion in 'General Programming Discussion' started by rpring9, Jun 5, 2014.

  1. rpring9

    rpring9 New Member

    Jun 3, 2014
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    I know there are a few other posts talking about Matlab and Udoo, but none have addressed the Arduino Due support package specifically.

    I can program the SAM3X8E using the Arduino IDE with the Bossac Windows patch, but I can't seem to get matlab to recognize the board as an Arduino Due. I downloaded the Arduino Due support package and replaced the same Arduino IDE patch files but Matlab/Simulink still can't recognize the board as an Arduino Due. I am going to assume that it's because my computer recognizes the board as "Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge" on the COM10 port, when Matlab is actually looking for "Arduino Due" on COM__...

    Does anyone have a potential solution for this? I don't have experience communicating with external devices in Matlab other than stand-alone Arduino Boards.

    Thanks in advance!

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