what are the solutions that udoo designers had in mind to solve the communication between the udoo/android/linux os and the arduino due hardware , any possible software libraries to be implemented for that or just external serial links between both !!!!! .it nice to have arduino application using the HDMI and OS monitor since both set on the same board.
transmissions4less: See section 5 of the Getting started document here: http://udoo.org/download/files/Document ... 0_2013.pdf They describe some stuff on the GPIO pins. There's also the possibility of making some simpler libraries for the Linux side to interface... If somebody wants to take up the challenge that is... There's something like that being done over on the Raspberry Pi side with a library called WiringPi...
ARM is really starting to come across as limiting. Oracle JRE7 doen't have a build for ARM. So Processing Language is out as far as I can see. MKO tried but only the Processing interface starts. I only see C or C++ on ARM side to comm with ATMEL side via serial. As far as I know node.js has had limited success and Android offers no way at this time to get an IO sketch on the ATMEL side while it's running. Does this mean we are really limited to heavy handed coding in C or C++ in Linaro to communicate over serial to/from ATMEL .. and that's it? Really? Anyone have anything else that is known working on iMX6 side under any OS (Linaro, Android or other) that can successfully communicate (presumably via serial) actively with microcontrollers on ATMEL side and an IO sketch loaded there?
What are the application frameworks available with Ubuntu under UDOO for c/c++, java, Python etc ? :roll: