Python pingo ARduino sketch interaction

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by lucashalton, May 16, 2015.

  1. lucashalton

    lucashalton New Member

    May 16, 2015
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    I am new to UDOO and similar prototyping toys but I have some python experience. So I would like to use python as my primary tool on UDOO.

    I installed pingo (and python 2.7) and I also made my first sketch, just to start to understand this thing.

    Step 1: build a 'traffic light' with three LED (pins 9, 10, 11) with sketch, each leds light up for one second.
    Step 2: build a first pingo script: flash two leds at 0.1 seconds (pin 8 and pin 10) --> yes, one is the same as the traffic light...

    Some thing funny happens: pingo flashes work at full at pin 8, but are only visible on pin 10 when 10 is on in the IDE sketch.

    So my questions are:
    1. how come ? IDE hardware always priority on code from ubuntu?
    2. or automatic logic operation (AND operation between IDE and ubuntu) ?
    3. Is it possible to fully override the values in IDE with code from ubuntu?
    4. Has this to do with the pingo 'level 0' support, only digital I/O, no PWM support?
    5. How to get level 1 (analog input) or level 2 support (PWM) through python ?



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