I was wondering when we might see the schematics for the udoo? I was looking at the Atmel SAM3x8E chip that that is listed as being the second half of this board. The Atmel chip looks like it has a lot of extra capabilities that that the chips used on the Arduino and Arduino compatible boards don't have. I am really interested in learning how the pin sharing between the two processors will work and if the extra pins of the SAM3x8E will be exposed. Regards, Scott
The schematics will be available once we're ready to release the final version of UDOO, approximatively september. We're not planning to export extra pins from the SAM3x8e. The schematics will basically be the same as the Arduino DUE in order to remain as close as possible with the Arduino standard.
maybe that could be saved for another revision. or some kind of super udoo for later. once they see how many people actually want to buy them after its released.