Hi there, after a couple of days of uptime the display stops receiving touch input. If I plug an external mouse to the USB port I can interact with the UI with no problem. What can be the cause? My specs: Platform: Udoo Dual OS: Android LCD: Official 7'' Udoo LCD Thanks
Hi there blackjack4, to solve this issue: a) reflash the Android image, to exclude a related problem; b) beware that the little "golden" cable on the bottom left corner behind the screen is properly attached. Then, if it still doesn't work let us know
I've been having a similar problem. Touches on the top left corner are no longer recognized. Mouse input works fine in that area. All other screen areas work OK with touches. Makes it very difficult to use Android apps (i.e. impossible to use top-left menus). LCD plugged in properly. Is udoo touchscreen's lifetime less than 1 year? (with minimal usage at that).
Hi there frudman, actually the lifetime is not just 1 year I'm sorry you're experiencing problems. Have you tried by following the steps I wrote above? Please let me know your progress in the problem. CHeers
yes, tried all this (also disconnected everything, "cleaned" screen gently, reconnected everything). No go. What's the problem?
@frudman, I had the same issue with a 15" panel, the right side didn't work anymore. I noticed it was only sending Y touch events, no X anymore. It was replaced by Udoo. Of course I hope that it is just a glitch, not a general thing of these screens.
Well, actually it's not. I think and hope it's just because the customer care button is a bit "hidden", and everyone that has a problem writes about it here