Hello. I want to make a loop-pedal/synth/effect device. I found UDOO from http://codeduino.com/information-and-ne ... ware/udoo/ after some research realising my Raspberry Pi probably isn't going to cut it. I just want to see if any current UDOO users have done anything similar... My plan is to get the Quad-core UDOO, with the 7" Touchscreen. I'll then use Ubuntu Core to create a minimal install (I have been looking at Arch Linux, but I'm more familiar with Ubuntu). I'll then install only the stuff I need for audio stuff (like JACK), and RatPoisen as a simple window manager to display my app. I'll create the app using JUCE, and have it so this app, and only this app opens. I can then add footswitches, LEDs and knobs via the Arduino side of UDOO and communicate between the app and the Arduino using serial. Is this a sensible approach? I've seen low latency kernels added to the UDOO, but does anyone know what sort of latency I can expect doing the above approach? Is there anything I should watch out for? I'll be using a class-compliant USB audio interface for recording and playback, and doing all the app/DSP programming in the one app. I may also add a small HD via SATA for recording the Audio to.
Hi! I always had the idea of building something really similar, a guitar pedal with lcd touch panel... Think I'll make it sooner or later... So, for RT audio, as of now there is no RT kernel compatible with audio on UDOO. But I tried UDOO with JACK2 and I reached latencies of 12ms, which can be acceptable... Good idea to build a custom system, and the ubuntu core (armhf) is the best choice. I would however suggest to start with UDOOBuntu, it has JACK2 installed by default, so you can find which are the best settings for your kind of applications... I'll keep on eye on this, I'm really interested!
Excellent. Thanks Mike! 12ms isn't too bad at all. Is that just using the stock OS? So I could hope to get less latency when everything has been stripped down to the bare essentials? Even if the latency is 12ms, it wouldn't take long to adjust playing style. I suppose the latency between the Arduino and the OS is something else to consider so the footswitch syncs as quick as possible.
I think the communication beetwen Arduino and IMX6 will not be so crucial... As you said you can improve slightly by reducing running processes (VNC, camera, other services...) but the overall performances of udoobuntu are really good, so not to much to do here... You can remove pulse to achieve even better results... Let me know!