Hi all, I finally have a handful (4!) of UDOO cases for sale (I'll be cutting more when I get the chance). You can see the final design in the imgur album below. It may not look like much has changed from my previous design, but the clips are much improved and most dimensions have been extended for various reasons. I decided against using clips for the removable lid as I didn't think they were the ideal choice for something that might be removed many times. Instead the lid just slides in from one end and in to slots at the other end. I know there were concerns about ventilation, but I have had no problems using this case with my UDOO quad. If people are really sure they want extra ventilation, I can add some slots to the lid. The price is £11.99 GBP (Great British Pounds) + any shipping costs (which will have to be done on an individual basis, I am in the UK), which I think is fair given the time and money I've put in to this project. This price includes 4 metal spacers and 8 M3 screws for securing the UDOO board to the case. http://imgur.com/a/ZqJS6 Please PM me if interested. As I say, I only have 4 at this very moment, but will make some more. I'll comment on this thread when they are gone to stop getting PMs! I also of course welcome any thoughts/suggestions for future revisions. I know there are people interested in having room for a sata HDD or fitting lego. I hope to get to these at some point!
No, I haven't added space for a SATA disk yet. Would people be using their SATA drives in a caddy? Or just on their own? I could do with someone advising me on what would be needed in terms of screw holes for securing a SATA drive. are we talking 2.5" or 3.5" drives?
Thank you you're quite kind, i think most people would use the drive in its own, assuming it would be in a separated room (with an adequate hole for data and power cables) inside the case. I think a 2,5" drive will be good, but if there is enough room you can set the holes inside for 3,5": hdds would be cheaper and we can use an adapter for 2.5" drives...
Given that there's power for a 2.5" drive I'd forcus on that... What I envision is something just like what you have now, except slightly taller with a 3rd "tray" to mount the HD to on the bottom, and a hole on the middle tray holding the Udoo to pass the HD power+data cables through. Shouldn't need to be all that different than what you have now... just a couple simple modifications.
It's certainly do-able. Are there standard screwhole locations on 2.5 sata drives? Is there a schematic I could use to properly place the holes on the case?
http://wdc.custhelp.com/app/answers/det ... .5-scorpio http://pi-amp.com/Pi-Amp-R6-Build-Log/s ... 0Holes.pdf
More cases for sale! PM me for details. It's looking like I might not be able to access a laser cutter now for a while, so there may be a delay on getting any more (including the model to fit a SATA drive..).
I would second a flat monitor stand where I can glue with four drops of hot glue, or some biadhesive stickers, one of the standard monitors and maybe the camera on top (needs a longer flat though!).
Thanks so much for the support! Currently working on 2.5" SATA version, and some other changes based on user feedback.
Hi all, I'm afraid due to increased interest I've now sold out! I am hopefully getting more very soon, however, I no longer have access to the original laser cutter I was using, and as a result am having to outsource elsewhere. Because of this, I'm afraid I need to increase the cost £2 to £13.99 (just to avoid making a loss!). I realise this may not be a popular move, but it's the only way they can be provided through me. I am open to suggestions of collaborators/alternative suppliers to try and reduce this cost (but I think the deal I am getting from my supplier is very good in the current market).