UDOO Filesystem under OSX with SSHFS and FUSE

Discussion in 'UDOO 101' started by francescomm, Jan 9, 2014.

  1. francescomm

    francescomm Member

    Dec 14, 2013
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    To access the UDOO filesystem from my Mac without starting SAMBA (Windows filesharing) on the UDOO, I installed "FUSE for OS X" and SSHFS in my old faithful Os X Mavericks MacBook Pro. I created an empty UDOO folder in my Mac home folder ( that is mkdir ~/UDOO) and with the following command in terminal I can now see all the UDOO filesystem inside it (copy files to/from the UDOO by just dragging):

    sshfs <username>@<UDOO_IP_ADDRESS>:/ ~/UDOO
    as in this example:

    sshfs ubuntu@ ~/UDOO
    Or, to share only the home folder:

    sshfs <username>@<UDOO_IP_ADDRESS>:~/ ~/UDOO
    ( is my UDOO address, ubuntu the username)

    Works quite fine, but be careful of caching, files may not be updated as fast as you may expect, I really had no problems but the SSHFS website warned about it (and instructs on how to disable caching, in case).

    I added this command to a script to do this and start the VNC server (if installed following the UDOO tutorial) so my UDOO is completely accessible without a screen all day long, I called it connectudoo.sh

    #connect UDDOO
    sshfs ubuntu@ ~/UDOO
    ssh ubuntu@ "vncserver :1 -geometry 1920x1080 -depth 24"
    Remember to
    chmod a+x ./connectudoo.sh
    to make it executable and move it to some location where it is easy accessible (or paste it inside a an AppleScript/Automator app to make it clickable)

    Have fun.
  2. delba

    delba Administrator Staff Member

    May 8, 2013
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    Thanks francescomm, that's very useful.

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