How can I use Udoo Neo Arduino core (Serial0) send message through UART at baudrate 230400, bit parity Even? I do simple testing connect Udoo Neo's UART to PC com port, program Udoo Neo Arduino to send 'hello world' every 100 msec. and let PC monitor it. whenever I try Serial0.begin(baud, SERIAL_8E1) no matter how much baud I use (9600, 115200 or 230400) , I got error message from UDOO Arduino UART. However, if I change to Serial0.begin(baud) , even baud is 230400, my PC get message from Udoo Neo's Arduino correctly. is there any problem with using bit parity in Udoo Neo's Arduino core?
There is no error when compile. To check result, I connect my Window laptop's Comport to UDOO's M4 UART and check result from Hyperterminal. below is Arduino code void setup() { Serial0.begin(230400); } void loop() { Serial0.println("hello world"); delay(100); } my PC hyperterminal get "hello world" However, if I change to Serial0.begin(230400, SERIAL_8E1); I got nothing at PC's hyperterminal. Even I try with slower baud like, Serial0.begin(9600) vs Serial0.begin(9600, SERIAL_8E1), the result is similar ( get correct text from parity none but nothing from parity even)
Yes, I did change PC's hyperterminal UART parameter respect to UDOO M4 UART setting. The image I upload is comparison between Serial0.begin(9600) vs Serial0.begin(9600,SERIAL_8E1).