Hello All, I have just downloaded Fritzing Software http://fritzing.org/download/ and I was hoping to start laying out bread boards in relation to Udoo Quad. I noticed that there are a range of Arduino boards to choose from, and that there is a very large Sparkfun Library, and also that you can add other libraries such as Adafruit, Atlas scientific etc... so that as well adding standard resistors, capacititors, you can also add Sparkfuns breakout boards etc... and start connect pins, tlaying out items on your virtual bread board. This Linux, Osx, Windows Open source software appears to be pretty awesome. I know that I will be using it for all my projects. For anyone who hasnt seen Fritzing here is a Youtube Introduction Does an Udoo Quad Fritzing file exist, or an Eagle file? If not has anyone started work on a Udoo community Library of parts: Udoo Quad, 7 inch Touch screen, camera module etc... ? If anyone is interested, maybe we can make a list for the Udoo Fritzing library, and start sharing the work out creating it. Would that be OK with the Udoo Support guys? ) Carlos
Here is a link to the Fritzing guide for creating your own parts Library. A link to How to Create Custom Parts. And a link If you don't want to do it yourself, consider using the Fritzing Part Creation service. Which I guess you may have to pay for (I do not know). Would this be some thing that Udoo Support would be willing or want to do? Carlos
Is there an Eagle file for Udoo Quad? If yes, there is an open-source program called brd2svg which will convert eagle .brd files to Fritzing parts Link to discussion is here and source files here
This is what I sent: I finally got a reply from the Fritzing people: So if we want Udoo in Fritzing it would cost 200€, but if we had Eagle files, it would be less. Would the UDOO team be able to give the Eagle files to the Fritzing team, please?
While I realize this is an old thread, someone requested a Fritzing part for the Udoo neo on the fritzing forums and I made one which is available here: http://forum.fritzing.org/t/udoo-neo-part-as-requested/6474 I don't have a neo, so this is from the documentation and board files rather than the physical board. If you find errors please point them out on the Fritzing forum and I'll fix them. Peter