udoo> reflow control sheild programing issue? noobish>easy?

Discussion in 'Arduino IDE' started by htsauce, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. htsauce

    htsauce New Member

    Jul 10, 2013
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    hey yall thanks for checking in to my issue, any and all comments and insite is appretiated

    i recently bought a reflow control sheild from rocket scream ,
    came in fast for malaisa,


    i have a preheater and a solder rework station with heat gun , i make a glass enclousuer , do i dont need the toser ovem , im focousing more on direct bga chip reflow, other rework components a plus, but over all that is the main objective , i was planning on useing this as a reflow or profile giude with a thermal coupple,
    so basicly i can watch it and adjust the heat according to the profile , and eventually hook up the ssr to be able to contol the entire prossess or at least the heat gun directly , but i got it as a visual representation of the profile and prossess,

    any who ,
    when i got it , i notice as far as the foot print , there are 2 pins that are un used , the scl and sda and can find them on the provided schmattic but theres no clue as to what they are or there function , on the top two pins on the upper right of the sheild , ,
    im not sure if i need to jump these to another port? or if not needed,


    any way , my issue is , with the provided code and the librarry files included that they say are required i still get a compileing error and it wont load

    heres my error, im still new to the arduino language so it may be a simple human error issue , but i loaded it in directly , and expect theres may be some modification needed to run udoo or a change of components or librarrys in the code

    the MAX31855.h file is present and is in the direct root of the library folder? im not shure where im goin wron , please and thank you for any and all help and advice :)

    Arduino: 0154 (Linux), Board: "Arduino Due (Programming Port)"
    Using library LiquidCrystal in folder: /opt/arduino-1.5.4/libraries/LiquidCrystal 
    /opt/arduino-1.5.4/hardware/tools/arm-none-eabi/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++ -c -g -Os -w -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostdlib --param max-inline-insns-single=500 -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -Dprintf=iprintf -mcpu=cortex-m3 -DF_CPU=84000000L -DARDUINO=154 -DARDUINO_SAM_DUE -DARDUINO_ARCH_SAM -D__SAM3X8E__ -mthumb -DUSB_VID=0x2341 -DUSB_PID=0x003e -DUSBCON -DUSB_MANUFACTURER="Unknown" -DUSB_PRODUCT="Arduino Due" -I/opt/arduino-1.5.4/hardware/arduino/sam/system/libsam -I/opt/arduino-1.5.4/hardware/arduino/sam/system/CMSIS/CMSIS/Include/ -I/opt/arduino-1.5.4/hardware/arduino/sam/system/CMSIS/Device/ATMEL/ -I/opt/arduino-1.5.4/hardware/arduino/sam/cores/arduino -I/opt/arduino-1.5.4/hardware/arduino/sam/variants/arduino_due_x -I/opt/arduino-1.5.4/libraries/LiquidCrystal/src /tmp/build3467053573229346857.tmp/reflowOvenController.cpp -o /tmp/build3467053573229346857.tmp/reflowOvenController.cpp.o 
    reflowOvenController.ino:103:23: fatal error: MAX31855.h: No such file or directory
    compilation terminated.
    origonal code
    * Title: Reflow Oven Controller
    * Version: 1.20
    * Date: 26-11-2012
    * Company: Rocket Scream Electronics
    * Author: Lim Phang Moh
    * Website: www.rocketscream.com
    * Brief
    * =====
    * This is an example firmware for our Arduino compatible reflow oven controller. 
    * The reflow curve used in this firmware is meant for lead-free profile 
    * (it's even easier for leaded process!). You'll need to use the MAX31855 
    * library for Arduino if you are having a shield of v1.60 & above which can be 
    * downloaded from our GitHub repository. Please check our wiki 
    * (www.rocketscream.com/wiki) for more information on using this piece of code 
    * together with the reflow oven controller shield. 
    * Temperature (Degree Celcius)                 Magic Happens Here!
    * 245-|                                               x  x  
    *     |                                            x        x
    *     |                                         x              x
    *     |                                      x                    x
    * 200-|                                   x                          x
    *     |                              x    |                          |   x   
    *     |                         x         |                          |       x
    *     |                    x              |                          |
    * 150-|               x                   |                          |
    *     |             x |                   |                          |
    *     |           x   |                   |                          | 
    *     |         x     |                   |                          | 
    *     |       x       |                   |                          | 
    *     |     x         |                   |                          |
    *     |   x           |                   |                          |
    * 30 -| x             |                   |                          |
    *     |<  60 - 90 s  >|<    90 - 120 s   >|<       90 - 120 s       >|
    *     | Preheat Stage |   Soaking Stage   |       Reflow Stage       | Cool
    *  0  |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
    *                                                                Time (Seconds)
    * This firmware owed very much on the works of other talented individuals as
    * follows:
    * ==========================================
    * Brett Beauregard (www.brettbeauregard.com)
    * ==========================================
    * Author of Arduino PID library. On top of providing industry standard PID 
    * implementation, he gave a lot of help in making this reflow oven controller 
    * possible using his awesome library.
    * ==========================================
    * Limor Fried of Adafruit (www.adafruit.com)
    * ==========================================
    * Author of Arduino MAX6675 library. Adafruit has been the source of tonnes of
    * tutorials, examples, and libraries for everyone to learn.
    * Disclaimer
    * ==========
    * Dealing with high voltage is a very dangerous act! Please make sure you know
    * what you are dealing with and have proper knowledge before hand. Your use of 
    * any information or materials on this reflow oven controller is entirely at 
    * your own risk, for which we shall not be liable. 
    * Licences
    * ========
    * This reflow oven controller hardware and firmware are released under the 
    * Creative Commons Share Alike v3.0 license
    * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ 
    * You are free to take this piece of code, use it and modify it. 
    * All we ask is attribution including the supporting libraries used in this 
    * firmware. 
    * Required Libraries
    * ==================
    * - Arduino PID Library: 
    *   >> https://github.com/br3ttb/Arduino-PID-Library
    * - MAX31855 Library (for board v1.60 & above): 
    *   >> https://github.com/rocketscream/MAX31855
    * - MAX6675 Library (for board v1.50 & below):
    *   >> https://github.com/adafruit/MAX6675-library
    * Revision  Description
    * ========  ===========
    * 1.20			Adds supports for v1.60 (and above) of Reflow Oven Controller 
    *           Shield:
    *					  - Uses MAX31855KASA+ chip and pin reassign (allowing A4 & A5 (I2C)
    *             to be used for user application).
    *					  - Uses analog based switch (allowing D2 & D3 to be used for user 
    *						  application).	
    *						Adds waiting state when temperature too hot to start reflow process.
    *						Corrected thermocouple disconnect error interpretation (MAX6675).
    * 1.10      Arduino IDE 1.0 compatible.
    * 1.00      Initial public release.
    // Comment either one the following #define to select your board revision
    // Newer board version starts from v1.60 using MAX31855KASA+ chip 
    #define  USE_MAX31855
    // Older board version below version v1.60 using MAX6675ISA+ chip
    //#define USE_MAX6675
    // ***** INCLUDES *****
    #include <LiquidCrystal.h>
    #ifdef	USE_MAX31855
    	#include <MAX31855.h>
    	#include <max6675.h>
    #include <PID_v1.h>
    // ***** TYPE DEFINITIONS *****
    typedef enum REFLOW_STATE
    } reflowState_t;
    typedef enum REFLOW_STATUS
    } reflowStatus_t;
    typedef	enum SWITCH
    }	switch_t;
    typedef enum DEBOUNCE_STATE
    } debounceState_t;
    // ***** CONSTANTS *****
    #define TEMPERATURE_ROOM 50
    #define TEMPERATURE_SOAK_MIN 150
    #define TEMPERATURE_SOAK_MAX 200
    #define TEMPERATURE_COOL_MIN 100
    #define SENSOR_SAMPLING_TIME 1000
    #define SOAK_MICRO_PERIOD 9000
    #define DEBOUNCE_PERIOD_MIN 50
    // ***** PID PARAMETERS *****
    // ***** PRE-HEAT STAGE *****
    #define PID_KP_PREHEAT 100
    #define PID_KI_PREHEAT 0.025
    #define PID_KD_PREHEAT 20
    // ***** SOAKING STAGE *****
    #define PID_KP_SOAK 300
    #define PID_KI_SOAK 0.05
    #define PID_KD_SOAK 250
    // ***** REFLOW STAGE *****
    #define PID_KP_REFLOW 300
    #define PID_KI_REFLOW 0.05
    #define PID_KD_REFLOW 350
    #define PID_SAMPLE_TIME 1000
    // ***** LCD MESSAGES *****
    const char* lcdMessagesReflowStatus[] = {
    // ***** DEGREE SYMBOL FOR LCD *****
    unsigned char degree[8]  = {
    // ***** PIN ASSIGNMENT *****
    #ifdef	USE_MAX31855
    	int ssrPin = 5;
    	int thermocoupleSOPin = A3;
    	int thermocoupleCSPin = A2;
    	int thermocoupleCLKPin = A1;
    	int lcdRsPin = 7;
    	int lcdEPin = 8;
    	int lcdD4Pin = 9;
    	int lcdD5Pin = 10;
    	int lcdD6Pin = 11;
    	int lcdD7Pin = 12;
    	int ledRedPin = 4;
    	int buzzerPin = 6;
    	int switchPin = A0;
    	int ssrPin = 5;
    	int thermocoupleSOPin = A5;
    	int thermocoupleCSPin = A4;
    	int thermocoupleCLKPin = A3;
    	int lcdRsPin = 7;
    	int lcdEPin = 8;
    	int lcdD4Pin = 9;
    	int lcdD5Pin = 10;
    	int lcdD6Pin = 11;
    	int lcdD7Pin = 12;
    	int ledRedPin = A1;
    	int ledGreenPin = A0;
    	int buzzerPin = 6;
    	int switch1Pin = 2;
    	int switch2Pin = 3;
    // ***** PID CONTROL VARIABLES *****
    double setpoint;
    double input;
    double output;
    double kp = PID_KP_PREHEAT;
    double ki = PID_KI_PREHEAT;
    double kd = PID_KD_PREHEAT;
    int windowSize;
    unsigned long windowStartTime;
    unsigned long nextCheck;
    unsigned long nextRead;
    unsigned long timerSoak;
    unsigned long buzzerPeriod;
    // Reflow oven controller state machine state variable
    reflowState_t reflowState;
    // Reflow oven controller status
    reflowStatus_t reflowStatus;
    // Switch debounce state machine state variable
    debounceState_t debounceState;
    // Switch debounce timer
    long lastDebounceTime;
    // Switch press status
    switch_t switchStatus;
    // Seconds timer
    int timerSeconds;
    // Specify PID control interface
    PID reflowOvenPID(&input, &output, &setpoint, kp, ki, kd, DIRECT);
    // Specify LCD interface
    LiquidCrystal lcd(lcdRsPin, lcdEPin, lcdD4Pin, lcdD5Pin, lcdD6Pin, lcdD7Pin);
    // Specify MAX6675 thermocouple interface
    #ifdef	USE_MAX31855
    	MAX31855 thermocouple(thermocoupleSOPin, thermocoupleCSPin, 
    	MAX6675 thermocouple(thermocoupleCLKPin, thermocoupleCSPin, 
    void setup()
      // SSR pin initialization to ensure reflow oven is off
      digitalWrite(ssrPin, LOW);
      pinMode(ssrPin, OUTPUT);
      // Buzzer pin initialization to ensure annoying buzzer is off
      digitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW);
      pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);
      // LED pins initialization and turn on upon start-up (active low)
      digitalWrite(ledRedPin, LOW);
      pinMode(ledRedPin, OUTPUT);
    	#ifdef USE_MAX6675
        // LED pins initialization and turn on upon start-up (active low)
        digitalWrite(ledGreenPin, LOW);	
    		pinMode(ledGreenPin, OUTPUT);
    		// Switch pins initialization
    		pinMode(switch1Pin, INPUT);
    		pinMode(switch2Pin, INPUT);
      // Start-up splash
      digitalWrite(buzzerPin, HIGH);
      lcd.begin(8, 2);
      lcd.createChar(0, degree);
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
      lcd.print("Oven 1.2");
      digitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW);
      // Serial communication at 57600 bps
      // Turn off LED (active low)
      digitalWrite(ledRedPin, HIGH);
    	#ifdef  USE_MAX6675
    		digitalWrite(ledGreenPin, HIGH);
      // Set window size
      windowSize = 2000;
      // Initialize time keeping variable
      nextCheck = millis();
      // Initialize thermocouple reading variable
      nextRead = millis();
    void loop()
      // Current time
      unsigned long now;
      // Time to read thermocouple?
      if (millis() > nextRead)
        // Read thermocouple next sampling period
        nextRead += SENSOR_SAMPLING_TIME;
        // Read current temperature
    		#ifdef	USE_MAX31855
    			input = thermocouple.readThermocouple(CELSIUS);
    			input = thermocouple.readCelsius();
        // If thermocouple problem detected
    		#ifdef	USE_MAX6675
    			if (isnan(input))
    			if((input == FAULT_OPEN) || (input == FAULT_SHORT_GND) || 
    				 (input == FAULT_SHORT_VCC))
          // Illegal operation
          reflowState = REFLOW_STATE_ERROR;
          reflowStatus = REFLOW_STATUS_OFF;
      if (millis() > nextCheck)
        // Check input in the next seconds
        nextCheck += 1000;
        // If reflow process is on going
        if (reflowStatus == REFLOW_STATUS_ON)
          // Toggle red LED as system heart beat
          digitalWrite(ledRedPin, !(digitalRead(ledRedPin)));
          // Increase seconds timer for reflow curve analysis
          // Send temperature and time stamp to serial 
          Serial.print(" ");
          Serial.print(" ");
          Serial.print(" ");
          // Turn off red LED
          digitalWrite(ledRedPin, HIGH);
        // Clear LCD
        // Print current system state
        // Move the cursor to the 2 line
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
        // If currently in error state
        if (reflowState == REFLOW_STATE_ERROR)
          // No thermocouple wire connected
          lcd.print("TC Error!");
          // Print current temperature
    			#if ARDUINO >= 100
    				// Print degree Celsius symbol
    				// Print degree Celsius symbol
    				lcd.print(0, BYTE);
          lcd.print("C ");
      // Reflow oven controller state machine
      switch (reflowState)
    		// If oven temperature is still above room temperature
    		if (input >= TEMPERATURE_ROOM)
    			reflowState = REFLOW_STATE_TOO_HOT;
    			// If switch is pressed to start reflow process
    			if (switchStatus == SWITCH_1)
            // Send header for CSV file
            Serial.println("Time Setpoint Input Output");
            // Intialize seconds timer for serial debug information
            timerSeconds = 0;
            // Initialize PID control window starting time
            windowStartTime = millis();
            // Ramp up to minimum soaking temperature
            setpoint = TEMPERATURE_SOAK_MIN;
            // Tell the PID to range between 0 and the full window size
            reflowOvenPID.SetOutputLimits(0, windowSize);
            // Turn the PID on
            // Proceed to preheat stage
            reflowState = REFLOW_STATE_PREHEAT;
        reflowStatus = REFLOW_STATUS_ON;
        // If minimum soak temperature is achieve       
        if (input >= TEMPERATURE_SOAK_MIN)
          // Chop soaking period into smaller sub-period
          timerSoak = millis() + SOAK_MICRO_PERIOD;
          // Set less agressive PID parameters for soaking ramp
          reflowOvenPID.SetTunings(PID_KP_SOAK, PID_KI_SOAK, PID_KD_SOAK);
          // Ramp up to first section of soaking temperature
          // Proceed to soaking state
          reflowState = REFLOW_STATE_SOAK; 
      case REFLOW_STATE_SOAK:     
        // If micro soak temperature is achieved       
        if (millis() > timerSoak)
          timerSoak = millis() + SOAK_MICRO_PERIOD;
          // Increment micro setpoint
          setpoint += SOAK_TEMPERATURE_STEP;
          if (setpoint > TEMPERATURE_SOAK_MAX)
            // Set agressive PID parameters for reflow ramp
            reflowOvenPID.SetTunings(PID_KP_REFLOW, PID_KI_REFLOW, PID_KD_REFLOW);
            // Ramp up to first section of soaking temperature
            setpoint = TEMPERATURE_REFLOW_MAX;   
            // Proceed to reflowing state
            reflowState = REFLOW_STATE_REFLOW; 
        // We need to avoid hovering at peak temperature for too long
        // Crude method that works like a charm and safe for the components
        if (input >= (TEMPERATURE_REFLOW_MAX - 5))
          // Set PID parameters for cooling ramp
          reflowOvenPID.SetTunings(PID_KP_REFLOW, PID_KI_REFLOW, PID_KD_REFLOW);
          // Ramp down to minimum cooling temperature
          setpoint = TEMPERATURE_COOL_MIN;   
          // Proceed to cooling state
          reflowState = REFLOW_STATE_COOL; 
        // If minimum cool temperature is achieve       
        if (input <= TEMPERATURE_COOL_MIN)
          // Retrieve current time for buzzer usage
          buzzerPeriod = millis() + 1000;
          // Turn on buzzer and green LED to indicate completion
    			#ifdef	USE_MAX6675
    				digitalWrite(ledGreenPin, LOW);
    			digitalWrite(buzzerPin, HIGH);
          // Turn off reflow process
          reflowStatus = REFLOW_STATUS_OFF;                
          // Proceed to reflow Completion state
          reflowState = REFLOW_STATE_COMPLETE; 
        if (millis() > buzzerPeriod)
          // Turn off buzzer and green LED
          digitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW);
    			#ifdef	USE_MAX6675
    				digitalWrite(ledGreenPin, HIGH);
    			// Reflow process ended
          reflowState = REFLOW_STATE_IDLE; 
    		// If oven temperature drops below room temperature
    		if (input < TEMPERATURE_ROOM)
    			// Ready to reflow
    			reflowState = REFLOW_STATE_IDLE;
        // If thermocouple problem is still present
    		#ifdef	USE_MAX6675
    			if (isnan(input))
    			if((input == FAULT_OPEN) || (input == FAULT_SHORT_GND) || 
    				 (input == FAULT_SHORT_VCC))
          // Wait until thermocouple wire is connected
          reflowState = REFLOW_STATE_ERROR; 
          // Clear to perform reflow process
          reflowState = REFLOW_STATE_IDLE; 
      // If switch 1 is pressed
      if (switchStatus == SWITCH_1)
        // If currently reflow process is on going
        if (reflowStatus == REFLOW_STATUS_ON)
          // Button press is for cancelling
          // Turn off reflow process
          reflowStatus = REFLOW_STATUS_OFF;
          // Reinitialize state machine
          reflowState = REFLOW_STATE_IDLE;
      // Simple switch debounce state machine (for switch #1 (both analog & digital
    	// switch supported))
      switch (debounceState)
        // No valid switch press
        switchStatus = SWITCH_NONE;
        // If switch #1 is pressed
    		#ifdef	USE_MAX6675
    			if (digitalRead(switch1Pin) == LOW)
    			if (analogRead(switchPin) == 0)
    				// Intialize debounce counter
    				lastDebounceTime = millis();
    				// Proceed to check validity of button press
    				debounceState = DEBOUNCE_STATE_CHECK;
    		#ifdef	USE_MAX6675
    			// If switch #1 is still pressed
    			if (digitalRead(switch1Pin) == LOW)
    			if (analogRead(switchPin) == 0)
    				// If minimum debounce period is completed
    				if ((millis() - lastDebounceTime) > DEBOUNCE_PERIOD_MIN)
    					// Proceed to wait for button release
    					debounceState = DEBOUNCE_STATE_RELEASE;
    			// False trigger
    				// Reinitialize button debounce state machine
    				debounceState = DEBOUNCE_STATE_IDLE; 
    		#ifdef	USE_MAX6675	
    			if (digitalRead(switch1Pin) == HIGH)
    			if (analogRead(switchPin) > 0)
          // Valid switch 1 press
          switchStatus = SWITCH_1;
          // Reinitialize button debounce state machine
          debounceState = DEBOUNCE_STATE_IDLE; 
      // PID computation and SSR control
      if (reflowStatus == REFLOW_STATUS_ON)
        now = millis();
        if((now - windowStartTime) > windowSize)
          // Time to shift the Relay Window
          windowStartTime += windowSize;
        if(output > (now - windowStartTime)) digitalWrite(ssrPin, HIGH);
        else digitalWrite(ssrPin, LOW);   
      // Reflow oven process is off, ensure oven is off
        digitalWrite(ssrPin, LOW);
    please and thank you

    verry much
  2. htsauce

    htsauce New Member

    Jul 10, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Re: udoo> reflow control sheild programing issue? noobish>e


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