In the UDOObuntu OS, the VNC server is integrated. However the default setting is that the desktops are not shared. I'd like to be able to change this so the desktops are shared (connected touchscreen displays the same as remote connected computer), but I don't know where the server is configured or autostarted, and there is no documentation. Currently I installed x11vnc, which allows for desktop sharing, but I'd rather change the default vnc server. Is there a way to do this?
Hi we're using tightvnc server, You can find related configs @ /etc/tightvncserver.conf and it is started with: vncserver :1 -geometry 800x600 -depth 24 Actually for the very same problem you're reporting we were thinking of switching to x11vnc, allowing to see exactly what is going on on the display... But why would you not change it? Any feedback is really appreciated, so we can evolve UDOOBuntu at its best...
Hi guys, It doesn't seem like tightvncserver.conf exists in that folder. I'm trying to share my desktop on the Udoo Neo as well, since every time I VNC in, it starts a new session. Any ideas?
On what udoobuntu version are you on? In udoobuntu 2 RC2 they now use xvnc and in my case it's just taking over the current session. In the older udoobuntu versions they used tightvnc which always created a new session.
Umm, how do you tell what version of udoobuntu I'm running? I don't remember when I put the image of the SD card but it was probably like half a year ago. Sorry, beginner here. Anyway, managed to manually install x11vnc and was able to set it up for shared desktop. Yay!