Hi, Doe anybody know the official operating range of the Bolt V8? I want to use a few (possibly 100s) of these in small outdoor encloses which get "warm". Cheers, Lee
I've read somewhere that the board is for use at "ambient room temperatures". Does this mean it's similar to the NUCs, no more the 40°C?
According section 2.2 of the Udoo Bolt user manual downloaded from https://www.udoo.org/docs-bolt/Hardware_References/Resources.html Operating temperature: 0°C ÷ +50°C** (Commercial temperature)
The processor it self can go from 0 to a maximum of 105 degrees Celsius operating temperature, not sure about the rest of the parts.
If you plan to use a lot of boards it is wise to check out the seco.com website as seco (owner of Udoo) also makes industrial versions of these Udoo boards with higher specifications.