Hi im new to Udoo and im using udoobuntu on it. Im trying to set it up to use it as the main controller as a quadcopter so that it can process video, waypoints and do calculations but im having trouble getting it to work with arduino IDE 1.6.5. The patch doesnt seem to work with that version. The few issues i have are The patch doesnt work with latest arduino IDE I cannot figure out how to slim down the OS. I want the full functionality of the OS when i have it plugged in like normal but i dont want any non essential software running while it is in the air. Is there a way to disable the GUI startup so it starts with command line instead? Im not sure what components are safe to remove because the moment i start using it ram usage quickly increase to 400MB from just a few windows but doesnt go down after existing or killing new processes. How to configure the pins in arduino and from the OS relating to the input and output state? I need both listening to use sensors and control the motors and communicate with the remote which could be another arduino with buttons and joystick or an android tablet. If i attach a rechargeable battery to the udoo quad, will it be recharged when i plug DC in? How do i install drivers for a usb wireless adapter? I have an asus dual stream AC usb adapter with antenna but it requires drivers. Im not sure if the onboard wifi supports 5Ghz because my area is filled with ill-configured 2.4Ghz wifi while 5Ghz traffic is non-existant in my area. What is the power limit of the board and how many watts does it use when powered on?
Hi there, as explained in the presentation-post of UDOObuntu 2, this patch only works with the new Kernel inside UDOObuntu 2. Quoting the post, "If you want to program Arduino from UDOOBuntu 2, just start the Arduino IDE pre-installed. If you want to program it externally (i.e. from your PC), install Arduino IDE 1.6, add “Arduino Due” support from Board Manager and replace the bossac binary with this one". Regarding the GUI startup, I suggest you to download UDOObuntu 2 Minimal Edition for the Quad or for the Dual. Regarding the battery, I don't know, you have to google "how to recharge [XXX] battery" etc. I really don't know. For what concerns configuring Arduino pins, you have to configure them in the standard Arduino language. From the OS instead you have to configure them using the files in the folders named /sys/class/gpio Beware not to configure the same pin in different directions from the two different processors. For what concerns the drivers, you have to recompile the kernel. Then, if the drivers are in the kernel you have to add the modules. To power UDOO you need 6-18V. UDOO uses 3 Watts in Idle, and up to about 13 Watts in a stress-test condition. Let me know how it goes!
Thanks. I know there is a minimal udoobuntu but at times when its not in the air and plugged in i prefer to have a GUI and something like VNC/teamviewer and use it as some kind of server such as room temperature, humidity and air quality monitoring or even using it as a web server or part of some compute cluster made up of different processors including dual core ARM routers and the new 64 bit ARMs. i figured the CPUs in my ARM based APs seem to be wasted so having a normal linux based firmware lets me run code compiled for ARM like normal. I chose the udoo because it had gigabit NIC and integrated controller which is extremely rare for ARM SoCs but helps because the ARM A9 isnt great for real time stuff when running an OS but the controller is powerful enough to keep a quadcopter still in the air and doesnt have to fight with other programs for CPU time. Gigabit NIC is very useful because the quad core ARM A9 is fast enough to perform tasks that exceed 100Mb/s ethernet such as routing, web server, file server. . I found inexpensive lithium ion 3.7V 3000mAh batteries that look like normal AA batteries so im guessing if i had to use 30 watts including motors i could add enough batteries to last for at least an hour of flight. Is battery charging via the udoo something that must be coded for and not automatic? I can code for the software normally if it is easy to access the IO pins so drivers wont be an issue. The only thing is that i want to use 5 Ghz wifi so i'd like to know if it is possible to compile the drivers for ARM linux and add the drivers like any normal linux OS without having to recompile and reinstall the kernel. I hope Udoo would be able to make a next generation of boards that include the new 64 bit ARM, an openCL capable GPU and 2 gigabit NICs so it can become a router/UTM with environment monitoring and security via sensors and camera while not using a lot of power that it can be powered via solar and battery. I once found an 8core exynos based ARM board that used a processor MxM module and had 2 gigabit NICs but werent in stock and wont be for a very long time.