The recommended OS for developing UDOO is Ubuntu. If you do not use Ubuntu, you will need to install a virtual machine, as indicated in this section.

If you are already running Ubuntu on your development computer, you can safely skip this section.


In this section we provide a guide to setup a clean and dedicated environment for UDOO Development as:

  • compile kernel
  • compile MQX libraries

Download resources

Virtual Machine Player

VMWare Download Section

VMware Workstation Player

Operating System

Ubuntu Desktop Download Page



Ubuntu 14.04 32 bit

Open VMware Player and choose "Create a New Virtual Machine"

Select "installer disc image (iso)" option and Browse the Ubuntu 14.04 32 image. Click Next.

Choose the user full name, username and password.

Choose the Virtual machine name and its location. It's recommended to put it into a drive with 30GB free at least.

Choose the maximum virtual hard disk size (20 GB is ok) but 30 is recommended. Space is allocated when is needed.

Customize hardware.

Depending on your host computer choose the amount of ram memory. 1GB should be ok, but 2 is better :)

You can also choose the number of dedicated cores. Don't use all the cores for the virtual machine or you host will become unstable. Select OK and then Next.

Installation process will start.

Insert your password.

Now you should access to a Ubuntu 14.04 desktop.

Launch the Virtual Machine

Install VMware tools

If the system ask for install VMware tools we suggest to accept. It provides useful tools like, window resize and direct copy feature.

Update the system

Open a terminal.

sudo apt-get update
This page was last updated on Monday, March 21, 2022 at 5:19 AM.